Please choose 1 team to be a part of for a 6 month commitment.
Hospitality Team - ushers, greeters, name tags, communion stewards, Sunday morning refreshments
Worship Team - special music, Sunday morning praise team, Friday night praise team, announcements, worship dramas
Audio/Video Team - prepare and run audio, video and lighting for worship services and events in the sanctuary.
Children's Ministry Team - assist or lead: children's church, nursery, Celebration Station, children's sermons, Sunday school, coordinate acolytes
Youth Ministry Team - special events, fundraisers, chaperone/drive for events, substitute for Sunday school, help with administrative tasks
Food Ministries Team - coordinate and prepare setup and clean up for dinners, funeral meals, and Friday night dinners and desserts
Mission and Outreach Team - coordinate mission items of the month, to help with Operation Endeavor of Hope in October, help neighbors with yard work, and provide job seeking skills/financial counseling
Care Teams - coordinate care teams, adding new members to teams, serve as care team captains (stay connected with a group of people.)
Building Team - building stewards to open/close the building, cleanup after services, help with green team (recycling) and assist with yard work
Communications Team - supports communications channels and processes to share church news and events through publications to help church members connect with the services, events, and information to support spiritual growth