Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NWA Naturals Game

Tuesday, August 3 is a group night and we can go for $4/person. You must signup and pay no later than Sunday, July 11. Italics means uppaid.

Misty Webb - 3
Ted and LaDena Downum -2
Carl Palmer - 7
Bob Underdown - 3
Ralph Harvey - 4

Gene Stevens - 1
Jerry and Dorothy Kever - 2

Friday, June 4, 2010

Psalm Central

Coming Fall 2010 will be Psalm Central at Elm Springs. It will be for elementary on Wednesday nights and will incorporate Bible study and the arts. I am currently seeking adults who would share their talents in the following areas:

music lessons - let me know what instrument
dance - let me know what style(s)

Students will supply their own materials, so I would need a supply list from teachers by July.

I am projecting that this will run about 6-8 weeks before we start practice for this year's Christmas pageant. Leave a note in the comment section to volunteer.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ministry Opportunities

Please choose 1 team to be a part of for a 6 month commitment.

Hospitality Team - ushers, greeters, name tags, communion stewards, Sunday morning refreshments

Worship Team - special music, Sunday morning praise team, Friday night praise team, announcements, worship dramas

Audio/Video Team - prepare and run audio, video and lighting for worship services and events in the sanctuary.

Children's Ministry Team - assist or lead: children's church, nursery, Celebration Station, children's sermons, Sunday school, coordinate acolytes

Youth Ministry Team - special events, fundraisers, chaperone/drive for events, substitute for Sunday school, help with administrative tasks

Food Ministries Team - coordinate and prepare setup and clean up for dinners, funeral meals, and Friday night dinners and desserts

Mission and Outreach Team - coordinate mission items of the month, to help with Operation Endeavor of Hope in October, help neighbors with yard work, and provide job seeking skills/financial counseling

Care Teams - coordinate care teams, adding new members to teams, serve as care team captains (stay connected with a group of people.)

Building Team - building stewards to open/close the building, cleanup after services, help with green team (recycling) and assist with yard work

Communications Team - supports communications channels and processes to share church news and events through publications to help church members connect with the services, events, and information to support spiritual growth